Mix Your Own Beef Jerky Seasining

Making your own jerky at home is easier than you think. Here's how to do it:

If you're into the whole noble ideal of nose-to-tail eating, which is using as much of the animal as possible, then you should be a jerky fan. Jerky is designed to use those lean cuts usually found in the hindquarter, that are usually a little tougher and definitely not conducive to cooking up as a rare steak. I used eye of round, but top and bottom round will work great too. Essentially, you can use any cut as long as it's super lean (which is why venison lends itself to being such great jerky, too). It's a fantastic way to ensure that even the less-awesome muscles are being used and enjoyed.

And if you're only into jerky because it's a great tasting meaty snack, that's great too. It's definitely a tasty treat and making your own can be more economical than buying it pre-made. Plus, with homemade you get to control the amount of preservatives and junk that's added to it.

piece of beef jerky on wood

Equipment for making jerky

You can successfully make jerky using a smoker, but the easiest and most reliable way to create it is by using a food dehydrator. The advantage of a dehydrator is it's true "set and forget' nature, requiring only one flip of the switch to operate.

Being food safe while making jerky

The USDA recommends that to ensure any nasty bugs are killed off, you boil or heat the meat to 160f. Without doubt, it's the most safe method. Problem is, doing that can give the meat kind of an unpleasant crumbly texture. My preferred method is simply to blast it in a preheated oven (275f) for ten minutes at the end of the dehydration process.

For storage, use regular zip-top baggies if you're planning to eat within a week or so, otherwise you can vacuum seal batches of it and keep it in the freezer.

Alternative jerky flavors

Truly, jerky flavors are limited only by your imagination. I've seen jerk jerky, sriracha, honey soy, teriyaki, spicy chili… I've even done a bloody mary inspired version with venison. It's all about what you add to the marinade. You can use the following recipe as a base and simply add extra ingredients from there, and have fun experimenting.

Top tips for making jerky

The instructions are really quite simple, but here are a few tips to ensure you have the best possible jerky results:

  • use the freshest meat possible
  • use lean cuts like top or eye of round
  • pat the jerky dry from any marinade before dehydrating to accelerate the process
  • freeze meat before slicing to make it easier to cut
  • slice very thin pieces no more than 1/4 inch in thickness
  • Cut with the grain of the meat – this results in long strands of chewy jerky

best cut for beef jerky


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2 lb beef eye of round


1/4 cup soy sauce

3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

2 tbsp brown sugar

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp black pepper

2 tsp salt

1 tbsp fresh coriander seed, crushed

1/4 c water

  1. Place the meat in the freezer to firm for about an hour. This will make it easier to cut.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the meat into thin strips no thicker than 1/4 inch. Place strips into large zip-top bag.
  3. Add all marinade ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Add mixture to meat, ensuring all pieces are well coated. Place bag in fridge. You should marinade 6-8 hours but not too much longer.
  4. After marinading, work one piece at a time, patting it dry with a paper towel then layering it in the dehydrator.
  5. Turn the machine on, and allow to dehydrate until done. This process may take anywhere between 6-10 hours.
  6. As an optional but recommended finishing step, arrange finished jerky on a baking sheet, and place in a preheated oven (275f) for ten minutes. This will bring it up to USDA's recommended safe temperature.
  7. Allow jerky to cool, then place in a zip top bag if you're planning to eat within a week or so, otherwise you can vacuum seal batches of it and store it in the freezer for up to two months.


The time it takes to dry out the jerky depends on many factors, include humidity, thickness of cut, marinade etc. Generally, it will take between 8-10 hours, but if you're in doubt leave it in a little longer. It's always better to err on the side of dryness.  Because of the length of the marinade and cook time, I usually prepare the beef right before bed, then get it in the dehydrator first thing in the morning.



Source: https://jesspryles.com/how-to-make-beef-jerky/

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