how to upload a picture to qlik sense

Butler Icon Upload logo

Butler Icon Upload makes it easy to utilise free, professional quality icons and images in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows

License Source CI


  • Thousands of gratuitous icons available, including Google Fabric Design, Font Awesome and others.
  • Batch upload of icons and images to Qlik Sense. No more 50-at-a-time uploads.
  • Stand-alone executables available for Windows, Linux, Alpine Linux and macOS.
  • The tool was created with Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows.

Table of contents

  • Features
  • Table of contents
  • Installation
    • Extract icon files from icon fonts
    • Convert icons files to correct format
    • Installing Butler Sheet Icons
      • Stand up-solitary executables
      • Node.js application
  • Finding icons
    • Download icons
  • Convert icons to bitmaps
  • Uploading icons to Qlik Sense
    • Certificates
    • Uploading icons
  • Troubleshooting
  • Changelog
  • References & resources


Installation can be washed in two ways.
Which to use is a matter of preference, both accomplish the aforementioned thing: images uploaded to Qlik Sense.

If you already have Node.js installed on the calculator where yous will use Butler Icon Upload, yous tin can salve some disk infinite by using the Node.js version of the tool.
If you on the other hand want the easiest possible setup process the stand up-lone executable is the manner to go.

There are a few pre-requisites that are common for both installation options, these are described outset.

Extract icon files from icon fonts

If you want to catechumen existing icon fonts to bitmap images, yous need to install Icon Font to PNG.
This tool is not needed if your images are already in bitmap (png) format.

Permit'southward try it:

proton:butler-icon-upload goran$ icon-font-to-png usage: icon-font-to-png [-h] [--listing] [--download {font-awesome,octicons}]                         [--ttf TTF-FILE] [--css CSS-FILE] [--size SIZE]                         [--scale Calibration] [--color COLOR] [--filename FILENAME]                         [--keep_prefix]                         [icons [icons ...]] icon-font-to-png: error: You have to provide CSS and TTF files

Catechumen icons files to correct format

ImageMagick is a very powerful tool for working with paradigm files.
It may be difficult to run ImageMagick on a Windows computer, and so Linux or OSX is recommended.

ImageMagick is used to modify the images so they become the correct size and aspect ratio for use every bit sheet icons.
If this stride is non done square images will appear every bit stretched when used as sheet icons.

➜  butler-icon-upload convert Version: ImageMagick 7.1.0-19 Q16-HDRI x86_64 2021-12-22 Copyright: (C) 1999-2021 ImageMagick Studio LLC License: Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(5.0) Delegates (built-in): bzlib fontconfig freetype gslib heic jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr png ps tiff webp xml zlib Compiler: gcc (iv.2) Usage: catechumen [options ...] file [ [options ...] file ...] [options ...] file  Epitome Settings:   -adjoin              join images into a single multi-image file   -affine matrix       affine transform matrix   -blastoff selection        activate, conciliate, reset, or              set              the alpha aqueduct   -antialias           remove pixel-aliasing ...

Installing Butler Canvas Icons

Stand-alone executables

This option is easiest to get started with.
It uses stand-alone executable files that include everything needed to run Butler Icon Upload.

On the release page you find ZIP files with executables for Windows, Linux and macOS.

The macOS file is signed and notarized by Apple, which means it will run on all modern versions of macOS, including Macs with M1 silicon inside.

Running the stand-alone tool on Windows Server 2022 looks like this:

Stand-alone tool in Windows Server 2016

Same thing on macOS:

Stand-alone tool in macOS

And Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS):

Stand-alone tool in Linux

Node.js application

Butler Icon Upload is built using Node.js and thus require Node.js installed.
Delight refer to the Node.js site for installation instructions for your platform (OSX/Windows/Linux).
The latest LTS version of Node.js is ordinarily a good choice.

With that in place, y'all should install the bodily upload tool.

  • Download the source code from the releases page.
  • Unzip to suitable location, for example ~/butler-icon-upload. cd into this directory.
  • Install dependencies by running npm install.

Test your piece of work and so far. On Windows Server you lot should encounter something like this:

Node.js tool on Windows Server

Peachy! You now have the tools needed to batch convert and upload icons and images to Qlik Sense.

Finding icons

The Butler Icon Upload tool does not include whatever actual icons.
You need to find these elsewhere.

The good news is that there are various online resource from where you can download professional quality icon sets.
Some of the more commonly used icon sets are Google'southward Textile Blueprint and Font Awesome, only there are many others too.

If you download icons from some online source, you need to get a) a css file for the webfont, and b) the webfont file itself.

Download icons

IcoMoon works peachy for getting the needed icon resources.
Information technology is basically a web app that wraps some of the most mutual icon sets in a spider web UI.
Select the icons you want - let information technology be v or 500 - click download and you lot are done. The app also offers IcoMoon's ain icon sets for buy.

IcoMoon is very easy to use, merely let's take a await at how the hundreds of icons in Font Awesome tin can be downloaded:

  1. Go to IcoMoon's selection page.
  2. The "IcoMoon - Free" icon set has been pre-selected for you. Remove it past opening the hamburger menu in upper right corner, and then select "Remove Set".
  3. Click the "Add Icons From Library" link at the bottom of the folio.
  4. Scroll downwards until yous find the Font Crawly library. Add together it.
  5. Select the icons you are interested in, or select all icons past clicking the hamburger menu to the right, so "Select All".
  6. Click the "Generate Font" link in the lower right corner of the screen.
  7. After a few seconds y'all will become a download link. Click it to download the icons.
  8. Yous now have a file chosen Unzip it to for example ~/butler-icon-upload/fonts/fontawesome. cd to that directory.

We are only interested in the way.css and fonts/icomoon.ttf files, the remainder can exist deleted.

Convert icons to bitmaps

You are now fix to catechumen the icon webfonts to bitmap images.

Showtime brand sure you lot are in the correct identify (instance is using macOS):

➜  fontawesome              pwd              /Users/goran/temp/butler-icon-upload/fonts/fontawesome ➜  fontawesome ls -la total 80 drwx------  iv goran  staff    128 Feb  four 13:29              .              drwxr-xr-ten  4 goran  staff    128 Feb  iv 13:16 .. drwxr-xr-x  three goran  staff     96 Feb  4 13:28 fonts -rw-rw-r--@ 1 goran  staff  37887 Feb  4 13:14 fashion.css ➜  fontawesome ls -la fonts total 360 drwxr-xr-ten  3 goran  staff      96 Feb  4 13:28              .              drwx------  4 goran  staff     128 February  four xiii:29 .. -rw-rw-r--@ 1 goran  staff  184196 February  4 thirteen:14 icomoon.ttf ➜  fontawesome

So run a pocket-size script in the script directory that will

  1. Extract the images from the icon fonts. The square, exported images will be placed in a new folder called "exported".
  2. Convert the images to the size and aspect ratio used past Qlik Sense canvass icons. The resulting images volition be placed in a directory called "thumbnail".

The example below uses the stand-alone version of Butler Icon Upload.

The conversion script is non included hither, which ways you either need to practice either of

  • Get the script from the GitHub repository (link, place it in the same binder as the butler-icon-upload executable)
  • Run the commands in the script directly from the control line. That is what the examples below does.

Let's run the first command, which is to excerpt png image files for all icons in the icon library.
In this example the generated images will be 256x256 pixels and in color "limegreen".
A listing of possible colors is found here.

➜  fontawesome              pwd              /Users/goran/temp/butler-icon-upload/fonts/fontawesome ➜  fontawesome ls -la full 80 drwx------  4 goran  staff    128 Feb  four 14:07              .              drwxr-xr-x  iv goran  staff    128 Feb  4 13:16 .. drwxr-xr-x  3 goran  staff     96 Feb  iv 13:28 fonts -rw-rw-r--@ 1 goran  staff  37887 February  4 13:fourteen style.css ➜  fontawesome icon-font-to-png --css style.css --ttf fonts/icomoon.ttf --size 256 --color                              "limegreen"                            ALL Exporting icon                              '500px'                            equally                              '500px.png'              (256x256 pixels) Exporting icon                              'address-book'                            every bit                              'address-book.png'              (256x256 pixels) ... ... Exporting icon                              'youtube-play'                            as                              'youtube-play.png'              (256x256 pixels) Exporting icon                              'youtube-square'                            every bit                              'youtube-square.png'              (256x256 pixels)  All              done              ➜  fontawesome

Next step is to modify the aspect ratio (410x270 pixels) of the png files, to make them show up correctly when used as Qlik Sense sheet icons.
If you merely want square images this pace is not needed.

➜  fontawesome              pwd              /Users/goran/temp/butler-icon-upload/fonts/fontawesome ➜  fontawesome ls -la total 96 drwx------    half dozen goran  staff    192 February  4 14:12              .              drwxr-xr-ten    4 goran  staff    128 Feb  4 xiii:16 .. drwxr-xr-ten  788 goran  staff  25216 Feb  4 14:08 exported drwxr-xr-x    3 goran  staff     96 Feb  4 13:28 fonts -rw-rw-r--@   one goran  staff  37887 Feb  4 xiii:fourteen style.css ➜  fontawesome mkdir thumbnail ➜  fontawesome              cd              exported ➜  exported              for              f              in              *.png;              do              echo                              "                $f                "                            ;              convert              $f              -gravity eye -extent 410x270                              "../thumbnail/$f                "                            ;              done              500px.png address-book-o.png address-book.png ... ... youtube-square.png youtube.png ➜  exported

The thumbnail binder now contains images suitable for use as Qlik Sense sheet icons.

Uploading icons to Qlik Sense

All features, options and parameters described below are identical between two ways of running Butler Icon Upload.
The only matter differing is wheather the tool is started with butler_icon_upload or node icon_uploader.js.


The upload tool relies on certificates to cosign with Qlik Sense. Use the Qlik Direction Console to export the certificates.

Using certificates is powerful and convenient, simply you should be careful with the certificates - if they make it the incorrect hand they will provide total access to your Sense environment.

Thus go on tight command of them and always maintain strict firewall rules on your Sense server(due south).
This helps ensuring that access is merely possible from desired network locations.

Uploading icons

Before uploading the images to a Sense content library, please keep a couple of things in heed:

  • The content library you upload images to must exist. You will become an error if it doesn't.
  • Existing images in the content library will exist replaced if you upload new images with same names as existing ones.
  • Remember to prepare a suitable security dominion on the content library, so (all or some) users can access the images.

Commencement allow'southward come across what version of the tool we have and what the available options are.

PS C:\tools\butler-icon-upload>              .\butler-icon-upload.exe              --version              3.1.2              PS C:\tools\butler-icon-upload>              .\butler-icon-upload.exe              --assist Usage:              butler-icon-upload.exe              -i [path              /              to              /              icon              /              files]              -c [content              library              name]  Options:              --version                Prove version number                                                                                 [boolean]              --host                   Host name or IP of Qlik Sense server                                                               [required]              --cert                   Path to certificate used when connecting to Qlik Sense              [required] [default:                              "./cert/client.pem"              ]              --certkey                Path to certificate key used when connecting to Qlik Sense      [required] [default:                              "./cert/client_key.pem"              ]              --iconfolder             Path to directory              where              icon files are located                                                     [required]              --contentlibrary         Name of Qlik Sense content library to which icons iwll exist uploaded                                 [required]              --loglevel               Log level                                                                                   [default:                              "info"              ]              --upload-interval        Time to wait between icon uploads (milliseconds)                                              [default:              2000]              --upload-timeout         Time to expect              for              upload to consummate (milliseconds)                                            [default:              5000]              --upload-retries         Number of retry attempts to brand              if              an uploade fails                                             [default:              5]              --upload-retry-interval  Time to wait betwixt retry attempts (milliseconds)                                           [default:              10000]              -h,              --assist                   Show aid                                                                                           [boolean]  Examples:   node              butler-icon-upload.exe              -i ./icons              -c                              "My icons"                            Uploads icons              in              ./icons folder to content library named                              "My icons"                            for              more than information,              please visit https://                  /ptarmiganlabs/butler-icon-upload PS C:\tools\butler-icon-upload>            

Let's upload the FontAwesome images to a content library called "abc 1232 using PowerShell on a Windows Server 2022 with a one second (chiliad ms) pause between each upload.

Depending on how the Sense server is configured information technology may return rate limit errors later on a while, that's fine and Butler Icon Upload will retry up to --upload-retries times, with --upload-retry-interval milliseconds betwixt retries.

PS C:\tools\butler-icon-upload>              .\butler-icon-upload.exe              --host              10.11.12.thirteen              --cert ../path/to/client.pem              --certkey ../path/to/client_key.pem              --contentli brary                              "abc 123"                            --iconfolder ./fonts/fontawesome/thumbnail              --upload-interval              thousand              --loglevel info              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.919Z info:              --------------------------------------              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:thirteen.921Z info: Starting Qlik Sense icon uploader              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.923Z info: Log level: info              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.924Z info: App version:              3.1.ii              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.925Z info:              --------------------------------------              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.925Z info: Using icons              in              folder: C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.926Z info: Uploading icons to Qlik Sense content library: abc              123              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.927Z info: Image upload interval:              1000              (ms)              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:13.927Z info: Epitome upload timeout:              5000              (ms)              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:xiii.928Z info: Image upload retry count:              five              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:thirteen.929Z info: Epitome upload retry interval:              10000              (ms)              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:14.030Z info:              786              files added to upload queue              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:14.032Z info: Uploading file (attempt              1): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\500px.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:09:fifteen.248Z info: Uploading file (attempt              one): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\accost-book-o.png ...

When rate limiting occurs information technology looks like this:

              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:00.604Z info: Uploading file (attempt              1): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-left.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:01.748Z info: Uploading file (try              one): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-right.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:02.968Z info: Uploading file (attempt              one): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-downwardly.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:02.979Z fault: Error: Received error lawmaking:              429::Too many requests              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:02.979Z error: Will              try              5              times with a              10000              ms break              in              betwixt retries.              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:13.002Z info: Uploading file (attempt              ii): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-down.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:13.008Z error: Error: Received error code:              429::Likewise many requests              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:xiii.008Z error: Will              endeavour              5              times with a              10000              ms pause              in              between retries.              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:23.048Z info: Uploading file (attempt              3): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-downwards.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:31.128Z error: Error: Received error code:              429::Too many requests              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:31.129Z error: Will              try              5              times with a              10000              ms pause              in              between retries.              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:41.147Z info: Uploading file (endeavour              4): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-down.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:42.382Z info: Uploading file (endeavor              1): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-left.png              2022              -              02              -04T14:12:43.540Z info: Uploading file (attempt              1): C:\tools\butler-icon-upload\fonts\fontawesome\thumbnail\caret-square-o-right.png

You lot should now exist able to admission the images from inside Sense apps:

Content library in Qlik Sense


  • Brand sure port 4242 (on the Sense server where QRS is running) accepts connections from the computer where you run the icon upload tool.
  • Running the upload tool itself should exist fine on Windows (not tested though). Running the image processing tools (Magick etc) will be difficult on Windows. Possibly possible, not tested though.


The changelog is available in the changelog file.

References & resources

  • Additional DevOps/SenseOps related tools are available on my Github page.
  • Specifically relating to Qlik Sense icons, the Butler Sheet Icons makes it trivial to create sail thumbnail icons in Qlik Sense apps.
  • At Ptarmigan Labs you lot find various Qlik Sense related blog posts, including a couple on how to use icons in Qlik Sense.
  • Qlik'due south aid pages are skilful.


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